Wednesday, September 27, 2006

We started using the new places

We started using the new places for our practice on 25th September,2006. Which located at Chung Hua Middle school at Kuala Belait. As this is the ramandan period, so we cannot practice at Tamu area for one month.

So Mr. Wong found this place for us to continue practice. Cost B$100.00

Thursday, September 14, 2006

QiGong practice tonight again


QiGong tonight again. I think tonight still have new student coming. They can come but I really hope they come every time we have the practice.

The new student will come and go as some of them just try and watch this qigong.
More than 30% of the new student will leave after sometime, this is normal as it happen everywhere in this world. We all knew that, so we still can accept lot of student at the moment but I hope our teacher can handle.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Reagarding China HeXianZhuang QiGong - in Chinese

中国鹤翔庄气功的内容—兼答shunyan (爱生)


五节动功: (1)六方和合, (2)柱地通天, (3)鹤首通关, (4)仙鹤点水, (5)混元归一.

八个对症治疗功: (1)疏肝法, (2)点穴降浊法, (3)引气归元法, (4)八方引气归元法, (5)左四右三回阳法, (6)五心归一法, (7)降压法, (8)吐音法.

还有: 鹤游步功、开智明目功和站桩自发功。


另外, 赵金香老师创编了先天混元气功的二步功--自在气功。其内容包括心法六字诀、自在头面功、自在静卧功、自在静坐功。


此外, 赵金香老师创编了先天混元气功的三步功--秘法内功。




More Info on: 爱生云鹤的BLOG

Friday, September 08, 2006

CSCQ QiGong in Brunei Darussalam

CSCQ QiGong in Brunei Darussalam found at 1994.
There is people practice CSCQ QiGong in Brunei Darussalam at 1994.
Will post more information of the starting of thie CSCQ.

Kuala Belait station started the new class at 4th September, 2006. About 50 new student registered.

The logo photo sourceCSCQ QiGong logo.